EFF OH OH DEE.....say it.....FOOOOOOD!  Saying the word is pleasurable, never mind the effohohdee itself.  Food is not just about putting something in your mouth, chewing it and swallowing.  It is so much more than that.  It defines cultures, it defines religions and their complex ancient rituals.  It models communities and their economies. It underpins partnerships, friendships and romances. A friend of mine once said to me "If I could swallow a pill everyday and not eat, I would."  This is alien to me. Food is pleasurable,  but to get the most out of it you need to plan...not flan, quiche or All Bran...no, do all you can to make it special at least once a day.  That's all...no pressure, no shouting or forcing...just saying...Effohohdee!








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