Everybody has his own way doing shopping in the supermarket. People has to buy things daily, weekly, or monthly to supply theirs families or theirs own needs. Usually some are really buying what they want while others are just walking around the store to look for pleasure to look nice and quality things without any purpose.
Aldi supermarket for example is a place you can see families(fathers,mothers and kids), boys and girls(teenagers), singles male and female coming to buy food, clothes, cosmetics, apparels et... for their needs. Sometimes, people are nervous while doing their shopping but others are relaxed and through theirs actions you can see their desire or hesitation to choose their product. Those who are shopping regularly do not hesitate taking their product from the stand while some are struggling. Some people buy thing for pleasure of buying products at the same time others removes theirs products from theirs trolleys or baskets while they are coming near the till.It look like some people are panicking because their budget.
Shopping is a necessity thing for everybody as we need it for our existence but we don't have a freedom to spend because every body has his own budget. Some can buy what they want without limit and others could not do it the same way.