~~I’m off to have my hair cut today, as we used to say I’m going to the barbers for a trim. Only today it's all stylists and blond streaks.
I’m visiting a Turkish barber. The shop is all modern and what I think they call 'state of the art'. There are three barbers and several customers waiting. There are also Turkish shaves on offer, and one man is already being prepared, with a towel wrapped around his face, I’m not that brave.
It’s my turn, no time for cold feet. "Just a trim all over" and now he’s merrily clipping away. I think he’s doing a good job. He starts shaking a bottle at me and asking me a question, but I can’t quite catch what he’s saying, so I nod my head. He’s rubbing liquid from the bottle on my neck and he’s produced a lighter, I think he’s going to set my ears on fire, but he doesn’t. Now he’s waving an open razor at me, deep breaths.
The price of the visit is £8. No concessions for the poor old pensioner, I fall into that category.
Cheapest price I’ve seen in Salford is £3 - I think you have to provide your own basin.
But because I don’t go that often, before Christmas was my last visit, I think £8 is value for money.
I’m at the till now and I proffer £10, he seems reluctant to give me any change, is he holding out for a tip?
I’m wondering why we tip some people and not others.
When I was a small child I was in a restaurant with my parents in Wales - our annual holiday - we didn’t do Blackpool we were upper working class after all. I made myself a chip butty and had been chastised by my mother, apparently that was something you didn’t do in a restaurant.
Anyway I was still finishing it off as my parents left the table. My sharp eyes spotted they had left some change behind, probably hadn’t noticed it because it was under one of the plates. I grabbed it and ran after them, thinking I would be rewarded for my diligence. Not at all, I was shouted at again, apparently the money was for the waitress!
I’m looking at the barber who is still fiddling with the coins in the till.
“Keep the change!” He smiles. Thanks, mate!
So what have I learnt today? That I enjoyed the Turkish barber experience, that tipping can make people happy, and that I’m the last of the big spenders!