I'm a parent to a wee boy of 5, I try and ensure we and live as green as possible. We do recycle but I find it dull and persnickety, in fact so much of what we are encouraged to do for the environment is dull, turning off lights, insulating and wearing an extra jumper.  I do, do these things, but it is when I take it to the next level when I find it interesting, exciting even.

     When I don't turn my heating on it because I don't want to share my money with a huge corporation, I hope I wouldn't even if I had some. 

   I have a milkman, I get my milk in glass bottles. Its more expensive but I want to share my money with the man who drives the little electric van, and like picturing the exchange of the bottles back and forth with the dairy which fills them 3 miles from my home. 

   I ride a bike as much as possible, as does the boy. I'm so proud of his enjoyment of this he would rather we rode everywhere (he would, he just sits on the back while I pedal.) We could avoid waiting for buses,he likes whizzing past cars during rush hour. This is quite like my own reasoning, I like that I have powered the journey, it wasn't petrol or even a bus company. I enjoy knowing I have not paid a Scottish millionaire 3 pounds to take me the 20 minutes into town.

   Basically I try to support the kind of world I want to live in, and one of the things I have really enjoyed bout working on this project is discovering shining examples of people around Salford also trying to create their own vision of a kinder greener world.

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