Some two hundred City West customers attended these awards at the spectacular Lighthouse venue in Eccles.The awards are a celebration of the voluntary work done by various groups in the City West catchment area.Following nominations by City West customers, groups or individuals are placed into categories and independant judges decide the winner of each category with a prize for winners.Whilst Barton Village groups received three nominations when you heard  the achievements of others it was not surprising we did not win. But i believe all volunteers are winners. Some of the work by groups or individuals was outstanding and the description of their achievements brought a lump to your throat. One group had successfully reduced juvenile nuisance by 90% in their area by forming a youth club which provides interests keeps them off the streets and gives an understanding of what makes good communities. I was particularly impressed by Joy Watson diagnosed with dementia at 55yrs and her husband Tony who have made busineses in Eccles dementia aware,formed a charity for dementia. Joy gives speeches and works tirelessly for her cause. This will lead me into my next article.


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