Saima shares her experience of coproduction, how grassroots coproduction is important as it insures that the voice of those that are going to use a particular product or service are central to the design and implementation, she also talks about the importance that this has in relation to the impact on policy and campaigning. 

Thank you for agreeing to take part in this project. You wanna introduce yourself? Yes. My name is Simon. Good

I'm from Pakistan. I'm here in the UK from last 15 months, and I'm living here in Blackpool, Uh, in Lancashire, As you know, very nice city. I'm basically an email to Blackpool and content TVs

Um, and I'm here from last eight months is a very nice experience being here. Thank you. I'm very nice to meet you

I'm glad that you're enjoying Blackpool. Um, can you tell me or share with me an experience you've had in co production or doing co production? Yes. Uh, I'm part of a research collaboration council

This is Arc, Northwest coast. I'm working with them as a public advisor nearly one year, and, uh, very nice experience. Um, here we are working with researchers and projects of NSS, NHS, and, uh, we are giving our community wise to the projects and to the researchers

Why is it important to have the community's voice involved? Because, uh, these projects and these researchers are for the community well being And, uh, when I came here, I learned a lot before coming here. I was working in Pakistan for more than 25 years. And, uh, I think the they hear the development and the activism goes, it is different

And through these researchers and projects, there is a space for community voices. I think these are something where you can take the community opinion about the ongoing things, and then you can incorporate it in your policy level, the papers and the projects and programmes. So what difference do you think? Having working in this way it achieves

I think it's, uh it's a learning process as well, giving your voice to the projects like if you you see the things like recently, I'm involved in, uh, two projects, which is distress and flew Care project. And in these two projects, we are basically involved with the GP practitioners and where they are already working on this, uh, flew here vaccination and, uh, in the distress. Like, uh, we have this thing that to, uh, to sensitise the g p to not go with the people on this, uh, antidepressant medicines where they are already doing work

But here's something to learn the way how they do and the way how community, uh, things thinks about these flu vaccination and how, when when a Lehman go to the doctor what, what he or she has in their mind and how and what kind of support they needed. So it's, uh you can say something you share and something you learn. Thank you

That's a really powerful, um, point about sharing and learning together. So I'm wondering about your own experience. So has your thinking or your way of doing things changed as a result of doing co production? Uh, just a minute

I got my doctor number. A doctor phone. Can I attend my phone? I can't hear you can't hear you

Has your own thinking or perception changed as a result of doing co production? Yes, Uh, as a as a newcomer to the country, there was a need to learn a lot. And by this opportunity of, uh, public advisor, I got a platform to know the things and, uh, also to represent my community, the South Asian community. What kind of, uh, issues they have and how they feel about the programmes

And especially to learn the way how here, uh, things work. So I I learned a lot, and I enjoyed a lot, and, uh, I want to learn more. So what do you think the value of co production is? Uh, you know, everything is sharing, like your knowledge, your values and your even confusions

Like coal production is a space where you you not only share the things, you also learn the things. So for me, it's a very, very great opportunity. Were you are you underst try to understand the question and try to give your opinion and, uh, the way here, Uh, something you can say an atmosphere is given

Um, we're a researcher and a community person. Both can discuss, uh, this is a unique experience for me. And what do you have any tips to? So if you've got any suggestions, how people can go produce, So do you have any top tips? The top tips are like the one main thing is the individual own need our own thoughts

Like, if I think, uh, that this violence issues need to be need to be raised or need to be taught, or this mental health issue need to be address. Then I will definitely go for something where people are working on that. So your need is something that take you for co production and your thoughts

So what do you think the value for people, organisations and society is from co producing? I think the spaces for joint ventures need to be discovered. I got this, uh, this chance very, very soon through a group of, uh, Asian women who were there to learn cycling. It might be something, Um, not very, uh, not very unique for for a person who is from the u

K. But it was something of a person like me or in the group for other, uh, Pakistani ladies where we always dreamed that, uh, is it possible I also run a bicycle in my life? It was not possible in Pakistan, But when we came here and we found an organisation and space where they were asking what you want to do and you are free to learn, So we choose something which was basically like, maybe it's something we're for other people, But for us, it was a dream, and we were very happy to learning bicycle. If we we start such kind of small initiatives with the people's with the deprived groups or with some groups who are new and who are in need

So this will help them. And this will need them to go for something new, more better, like from a bicycle learning. I came to know that there is our Northwest Coast and they are taking community voices and they are supporting to learn

So I came to the state farm. If we start such if we start finding, uh, places all venues for such people, then we can go to the to the community who are in need and who want to learn. Uh, so there are a lot of spaces that can be used that's really powerful about finding spaces where people feel valued

It's really great to hear that. So how do you feel? What does it make you feel like co producing? I feel a very good back to the home. I was working for many years in development field, and I started, uh, when I just finished my school, and I started working because I was the because I was the elder sibling in the family and I couldn't found a way to go for a formal education

And now when I came here, I got chance working with the researchers and with the University of Liverpool. So it's a kind of something that is fulfilling me, that my experience is valued in a educational institute, which is like a well known university. And, uh um, they really want to know the experience and the problems and the challenges that we face and that which we now are facing

So it gives me a lot of strength. And it is also motivating me that, uh, I should work on my dream that going for, uh, for the education advanced education. So So this is a very, uh, good, uh, thing to to learn and to discuss

Thank you. Do you have anything else you wanted to share about your experience of co production? Uh, when you value someone, Uh, that's, uh your voice is also important. Then they start realising the things and through coproduction

I experienced this thing and I started, um, thinking about the system. Uh, that might people start when they spent three or four years. But because of these co production experience, I think I started very early, and I want to be part of these things

Thank you so much. I'm gonna stop the recording there if you don't have anything more. Is that okay? Yeah

Thank you so much..

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